Thursday, October 12, 2006

Soup Kitchen

Not quite a soup kitchen in the sense of a place where poor people go for something to eat. This was a moderately pricy soup kitchen just steps off of the fashionable Friedrichstrasse shopping street. My friend Peter suggested that we go there for a quick lunch. He had a large bowl of "anti-flu" soup, which was essentially chicken soup, and I had a small but entirely adequate bowl of "ayervedic" soup with curry and many nice vegetables. Peter's cost 4.40 € (a little over $5), mine cost half as much. Bread came with it too, of course.

The restaurant had two or three standing tables inside. These are literally tables where you stand while eating your food. They are very practical, since a much larger number of people can stand at a table than can pull up chairs, and most of the people eating there had spend the day sitting anyway. We ate at one of the outdoor tables, since the weather was so beautifully mild. I understand it was snowing in East Lansing.


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