Saturday, December 16, 2006

Buying bedding

I bought bedding for the bed in the new apartment today. I had to do this without actually knowing how large the bed really is, and without knowing exactly what Joan would like by way of decoration on the cover. As far as I can tell, what I bought was a comforter that is probably single-bed size, which was virtually all there was. The local practice, if the Guest House is any indication, seems to be to put two single-bed sized comforters on a double bed. This means that the very bright modern art cover I bought may only cover half the bed, which might look distinctly odd. But I don't really know for sure. The size I bought was 135 cm by 200 cm, and I think 200 x 200 is standard for a double bed.

I also bought a towel. That was easy. A bath towel is clearly labeled as bath towel and looks bath-towel size. If only bedding were so simple.


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